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Abdulla Season 2 Episode 6

👈المجتمع: https://discord.gg/DvTZZPwSq3

Host (Abdulla):
Picture two business owners. Ahmed’s company struggles. His R&D lags, his sales team misses targets, and marketing is stuck. Khalid’s business? Agile and thriving. His teams adapt quickly, solve problems fast, and constantly move forward. Khalid’s secret? Agile Management.

Today, we’ll break down how to bring agility to your R&D, sales, operations, and marketing teams.

[Music fades out]

Host (Abdulla):
Agile isn’t just for tech teams. It’s about acting fast, testing ideas, and adjusting quickly. Here’s how Agile works in different teams:

R&D: Test Early, Adjust Fast

Khalid’s R&D team builds small prototypes, tests them, and improves weekly. Ahmed? Still stuck planning the “perfect” solution.

Sales: Refine Weekly

Khalid’s sales team adapts their pitch every week based on feedback. They pivot quickly. Ahmed’s team? Using old scripts that no longer work.

Operations: Daily Fixes

Khalid’s operations team solves bottlenecks daily. Small adjustments keep things moving. Ahmed’s team sticks to rigid processes and lags behind.

Marketing: Launch & Learn

Khalid’s marketing team launches fast, tracks daily, and tweaks campaigns. Ahmed? Still planning campaigns months later, missing the window for changes.

Host (Abdulla):
To make your teams agile, start this week:

  1. Weekly Planning: Every Monday, break down projects into small, focused tasks.
  2. Daily Check-ins: 10-minute daily stand-ups. Adjust priorities quickly.
  3. Test & Improve: Launch fast, gather feedback, and refine.

Host (Abdulla):
I used to be like Ahmed—waiting for perfect. But once I adopted Agile, things changed. Act fast, adjust, and see results. Most won’t do this, but those who do will stay ahead.

Host (Abdulla):
Take one step toward agility this week—whether in R&D, sales, operations, or marketing. Don’t wait. The ones who adapt win.

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