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How to Actually Get Employed in 2023, and Build a Personal Brand 2 in 1 Guide

Abdulla Season 1

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Hello Friend! We have the biggest chance of the century in our finger tips, yet we never really take the advantage!

In today's Episode, i will show you a clear path of Building a career + Personal Brand.

This means you will be working and building a Personal Brand that can explode your income.


This is the only way to surpass the 10+ years worth of experience competitor colleague.

A hint to what comes (Summary):

- Work For Free 
- Build Content From Working For Free
- Reach out to the brand that you have done the work for
- Show them The work you have done for them!
- Post the content 
- Ask them kindly to repost your content with Tags (If they haven't already)

Repeat twice a week for the next year:

55x2 = 110 Brand Portfolio!

This means you have done work for 110 Brands that you can show off to future employers if you must.


This is the future.

👈المجتمع: https://www.skool.com/5-minutes-arab-entrepreneur-4595/about

Assalamualaikum everyone. Today I'm going to talk about how to actually work correctly in 2023. This is an episode that many people disagree with and I honestly really do care about your opinion. So if you have any opinion about this share by emailing me or by doing anything. So this episode we're going to talk about how to correctly, increase your portfolio. So you can find work And also get paid the right way. Many people these days are still doing the outdated way of working. You probably are doing the same thing to let's say, for example you have probably a photography skill and I mean you're not the best but it doesn't you don't really need to be the best earn income these days you just don't, okay? So let's say you are a photographer, you know how to take pictures. And so what you do is you Male a certain business or a certain CEO, and then you basically tell him how I have the service, please contact me. If you need any work, all let's say, even Utah, you try your best to impress him with the best email or anything. But the thing is, sure, Outreach works these days, but the reality is, you didn't give him any incentive to actually work with you. Now, the correct way of doing this, is by basically telling him already that I Two great pictures for you. And here are these pictures and you basically give them an example. Of a picture that can actually assist them. Now photography, doesn't really work that great. But let's say, for example, you bought their product and you now took pictures for them and you've sent him an email for free. Now, here's the thing, I guarantee you that CEO or business will reply back because first of all, this is a great value that you have given them. You actually took action and gave them a Service right for free, like, genuinely for free. Now, is this the best way to build, you know, to work in 2023? What are youtalking about? I didn't get paid now. For most of you who are listening to this podcast, you probably are in your first year of a job or your first year of learning a skill. Let's say, forexample, it's actually been 4 months ago. Since you learned a specific skill that can be paid that can actually get you. Let's say, for example again, it's photography. You are competing against someone who has six years worth of experience. Do you really think that you should be going to LinkedIn and writing a cover letter? When your competitor has Bachelor degrees or even Master degrees and 18 years worth of experience in photography? No, that is not agood way to find work. These days what you're going to have to be doing is to Simply go to email, basically the company and best Let me tell him, hey, I want to work for free, but Iwant to record everything. Yes, exactly. That's right. Yes, your job is not getting paid by the client. Your job is getting paid by the fucking consumer of the content, okay. I'm sorry for saying fucking, but it's absolutely the, the truth, right? It's absolutely thetruth. You will get paid by the content that you are making. Now, imagine this imagine you've just made Wade. A piece of content. And basically in this piece of content, you have took picture for, let's say a really good plant in your local community, and basically, you have posted it. Now, here's the cool part about growing this way, as apersonal brand. First and foremost, you increase your portfolio. This is extremely important. Especially going against someone who, who already has 10 years worth of experience in his CV, right? Because these are your competitors and they don't care about you, they don't need those. Work they already get paid really good, but you do, but you're trying the wrong way of actually getting a job. So, Let's recap, you're going to basically go to a company. You're going to also ask to work for free actually. Don't even ask, just give them the results for free. Now, here's what's going to happen. You're going to basically edit the whole video, right? Tell your story in the content of let's say Instagram or Twitter and well what total honesty isn't that great in the sense of you know, making a great piece of content because the problem with Twitter is There's nothing really that amazes them more than engagement and so sorry, Twitter, it's Instagram, Instagram or Tick-Tock reels basically, those types of videos they're going togive you a lot of Attraction force of own second. You're doing work for free. A lot of people love, this type of content. Third, you actually have people involved inyour content. What's going to happen is the company is going to actually put your video into their story and to there. Basically Instagram account. So you're going to have a lot of people for from that company, based off of that brand, basically going to you and thank you or even just you know have any type of attraction to you. Now if you do this every day or basically every week once let's say for example it's twice a week. This mean this means for the next year you're going tohave over 100 companies that you have helped and aided, right? And you've built Get your whole portfolio. Now, you have over a hundred and ten pictures of different brands that you have helped write, and what's gonna happen by the end ofthe year. You can have a lot of followers that will be happily to pay you for a lot of things. They will either by your course that you can sell acourse, they will either by your coaching skills or even workshops. Or you can basically make an event and forth. This is actually a very cool one and that is they can pay you for a coaching you know. Our so basically they pay you for by the hour and you can basically Implement astrategy for them and the cool part is the more audience that you have or not no more audience youhave you but just the more Authority and the more you basically make them like you the more that they don't care about your prices. This means Is that they are fine with you making your price by the, our $100 $70 because they don't care about that anymore. You are loved by everyone, right? And also, another thing you can continue with this, by the way, continue continue continue like, you can gain so much good. Will that beat the end of two years, three years. You actually have a very, very strong business. Basically your whole business model is all about creating content and then That content you will get more and more people who will come to you. They will buy your courses, they will buy your effects, they will buy anything that you try to sell. Basically, they will buy your hourly rate coaches and colds or something like that. And here's the coolest part about everything. You will be requested by a lot of Brands because it's the natural thing that they would do right by these days. Bronze really do work. Do really want to work with Content creators. They don't care about your CV. They don't care about your price. They want to work withcontent creator Brandt would value a content creator photographer, so much more than a normal photographer that they employ, because that photographer that they've employed is, is already given like a certain amount of money, but if you approach them, they understand that working with you also open the window for a lot of other things. Basically, Contact engagement. Alot of people will love them because already the audience loves you. So there's a lot of thing for them to alot of things for them to gain and the coolest part is that you can never ever go back to getting paid by the package or by, you know, you know, those types of Photography packages that they have like five pictures $10 per picture type of push it. It's such astupid way of branding yourself, but you know, photographers. Don't really know anything about this, unfortunately. So you're going to basically get paid a lot of money by doing this increase your portfolio by doing this. Increase your personal brand by doing this and just so many things. So many doors will open your way if you approach work this way, I guarantee you that for the next four months. If you do this, if you actually do an Outreach to acertain company without even asking for permission for you to do the service for them. Right? And basically show them the results, first of all, they will reply back, they will love you. Forward and you will actually have a window of talking with them. Second, you will have agreat piece of content to actually spread around and make people making audience. Basically third, you will be such a strong Authority in your industry in your local community because honestly not a lot of people are doing this. The only people that I've sought doing this were what were those gardening Tick-Tock videos? Have you ever sawdust like those gardening Tick-Tock person? I've saw him, he basically knocked on the door and asked if he can. Actually, he asked if he can do the work, basically, you strum the whole grass and everything for free, right? And then he would basically tell astory followed that model of making content, and working and work for free and work really well and explain your work to an audience. And Iguarantee you, by the end of the year, you will be in such good. And it's actually kind of insane. How great of a motive is, but unfortunately not alot of people want todo this. A lot of people, even though they have only like a month of experience, they want to get paid immediately. They don't really see the long term, but long term for them is increasing their salaries by six thousand dollars. Like this is the next three years, right? Oh, I'm gonna increase my my salary three thousand dollars. That's all That's all, you know. Like you're not really looking at the long-term actual long-term. If you do the model that Ihave just told you, I guarantee you by the end of the year, you're going to have so much Goodwill gained. That Brands will actually contact you, right? They will contact you to work with them, not for them with them as acontractor. They will pay you so much money. It's actually kind of insane. It's insulting to the normal photographer. And this way you will also be able to to leverage the audience to get what you want. But also to be paid by the consumer by the audience back, then you had to get paid by the industry leaders, you have you had to network with them, you had to, you know, do business with them. These days, you really don't need that. You only need 1000 superfans these days. Only 1000 superfans only 1000 consumer. Iwould basically hear you out and would pay anything you sell to them. Of course, as long as you. And I know that your content or not, your content, your services is actually worthy of this actually like, you know, valuable then it's all good, right? It's all good. If you, if, you know for a fact that your services are trash, then again, this is a great model of actually doing Working in 2033 and I generally believe it will be for the next 20 years. Because you will be actually building, you will be building your skills. You will be building Goodwill with that, youwill be building your own personal brand, and you will be unstoppable for the next year. And I genuinely, I'm not even joking here. I think this is the future of Korea of of, not only creating content, but building a full career. This is the future and Igenuinely think it's great. Go to the link below, join our newsletter and I hope you enjoyed this video Master drama.

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